"Manners maketh the man" may be true, but putting a young man in a giant robot, a fighter, he is not. Episode 2 of Neon Genesis Evangelion picks up immediately with the fight at hand, and while it does not automatically display the threatening nature of Angels, it does not the helpless nature of NGE's protaginist: Shinji Ikari is not invincible. While the structure of the episode throws me for a loop, it does build some suspense as to the true nature of the Units, and set up overseers of an ominous nature.

Episode 2 bookends with battle, cutting away at a primary moment, with only a few characters remarking on the fate of the actual battle. The majority of the episode is spent with Shinji and Misato interacting as strange roommates, filling these moments with juvenile humor that elicits only the slightest of chuckles; however, a brief moment does recontextualize their interactions, which is nice to see, and once again, sets up a larger force at play here; these are not friends.

As the end of the episode returns to the fight at hand, its clear that the Unit has a mind of its own, and while this reduces the threat of the Angels early on, it does establish that the locust of control isn't resting firmly with Shinji. It's a fitting ending, and moves past this initial two episode arc of the Angel fight. Now, it's time for the world to expand.

Episode 2 of Neon Genesis Evangelion builds off the first, and while it only minorly opens up the world at large, it does begin to establish the larger conflicts at play, and thus, gives reason to keep watching.

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