Shout by AJ

Oh. My. God!!!!!

The special effects are not that bad for a 50 years old show. The reptilian costume... well yes, it's awful, but still, for a TV show 50 years old, I guess it's ok. (Although... did people back then think "wow, that looks great, so reallistic!!"? :thinking:). But the growling!!!! And Kirk's fighting skills!!! I thought he was terribly bad at acting, but I had seen nothing yet :joy:

Also, I have to agree with Andrew Bloom's excellent review: this episode is at least 25 minutes longer than the script called for.

A shame, because the story, and the ending, are one of the best so far, I'd probably give it a 8/10. But the rest of the episode is a solid 0.1/10, and only because I can't give negative ratings.

The worst part? I still have to endure another 61 episodes of this, if I want to keep my plan of watching all of Star Trek in chronological order :weary:

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Still 61 to go :see_no_evil:
It’s so slow at times.
