Review by Vero

Dark: Season 2

2x03 Ghosts

Oh lord. My mind just blew. I can't wait to see next episode but I need to digest this one first. Otherwise I think I won't sleep tonight.

Who would've told me that Egon Tiedemann's timeline would be the one that I'd be more interested in! I didn't quite like the character back in season 1. Now, all I want is for him to tie everything up and find out the truth before dying.

One of the parts that I loved the most was Egon's relationship with Claudia. I seriously got the goosebumps when old Claudia apologized to him. "Die Welt hat dich nicht verdient". And those three scenes in a row with Claudia and Egon, in 3 different rimelines. Damn, it was too good.

That poor family can't catch a break. His dad had cancer and now she sees her poor daughter going through the same. My heart broke when Claudia saw Regina. And only a couple of minutes ago she complemented her hair. Damn.

Noah and Agnes. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. And Noah mentioned Charlotte. Could he be her father? He looked really shocked and then he lied to Adam. Also, maybe it's just me but since everyone seems to be related to one another somehow, I'm starting to even doubt that Tronte's dad is dead. Maybe I'm overthinking it but, could it be possible that both Noah and Agnes are her parents?

Also, my heart hurts for Ulrich. I just hope he gets reunited with Mikkel. I'm just thinking now that Ulrich und Adam are connected somehow. Or maybe Ulrich is Adam. I remember he said something along the lines of "We all get what we deserve" last episode and Adam, at the end, said the same. "Am Ende bekommen wir alle, was wir verdient haben". Maybe it's just a stretch, but who knows with this show.

I'm sick and tired of Helge's mom. Her coldness really freaks me out. She reminds me of Serena Joy in The Handmaid's Tale. And also, there's something really wrong with her and Noah. It's like she's deeply in love with the guy.

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