Review by Nancy L Draper

Game of Thrones 2011

It is not by oversight that I have not written a review of this series, before today. I was a late adopter, having been initially repulsed by the lasiviousness, lewd, violent coarseness of the show (I think I watched one random episode and recoiled). Then, when the popularity of the show skyrocked, my curiousity lead me to start at the beginning and give the show a chance. I binged what I'd missed, then watched it episodically as it was broadcast, then, just before the beginning of each new season, I would binge the previous season, just to be caught up and ready to go. All those things that originally repelled me where still all there in abundance but the story telling, the characters, the acting, the quality of the production, and the human drama, on an epic scale, held my fascination and it became a guilty pleasure (so, watching, but not reviewing). Then, the production overshot the source material and the direction became less crisp and the characters struggled to find their footing. Finally, the end was near, and production values soared to Movie-of-the-Week standards. The last season ended and the audience was stunned. Some with disappointment (wounded by the trajectory of the plot and their beloved characters). Some with grief (no more GAME OF THRONES!?!). Some with sense overload (What did I just see?!?). I was in that category. It took days to reconcile what I had just watched. My only clear thought was, "Well...they had to end it some way." I was sure they could not have ended it in a way that would have satisfied everyone. Is there ever a good time or way to watch a beloved thing die? So, now, 53 days after the last episode was broadcast, I have summoned up the courage to write my review. This was a landmark series. It set the bar for non-network television productions: the story, acting, technical magic, locations, international cast, budget, quality were all the best of the best. For me, it will always be about story and characters: George R.R. Martin's concepts were epic and compelling; I can't imagine a better cast or better performances (indeed they harvested from some of the greatest while also forging a new generation of talent). No matter where you land with the ending (and I'm still not sure how I feel about it) this has been a tremendous ride and it has change our landscape of expectations. I can give this series no less than a 10 (watershed moment) out of 10. [Epic Fantasy Action Adventure Drama]

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