Shout by Samad Said

Hotel Mumbai 2019

great movie. however, it's good if movie maker put some movie disclaimer not to blame Muslim because there's only some extremist who doing that terror. peace.

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@rosli009 You just turned my iternal thoughts into words, Thanks!

@rosli009 They not gonna do that, because it's a Hollywood movie funded by the Zionist Jews. So demonize the whole Islam is the subtle purpose.

Whatever it is, this is only a 6-people terrorist attack, it's already heartbreaking and devastating. Just imagine how it's gonna be like for a full-scale war. The politics, the organized religions and ideologies are being used to divide people, plunge resources and enrich the riches. But at the same time, death and destructions to the soldiers, normal families, normal people, and the love & dreams of millions.

@rosli009 Hardly.
