"I'm sticking with my theory that the last episode of this season will wrap everything up as being a parody of reality or something like that. An episode of the writersroom of the Twilight Zone 2019 creating all these... stories in order to make a point and failing miserably at it, suddenly realising they themselves have created the Twilight Zone in their reality... our reality. And that we now live in the Twilight Zone due to all this propaganda instead of the "real world". -- Me, 3 episodes back and a couple before that.

I wasn't 100% there but I was close enough in my most humble opinion.
Did this "twist" make the show better? No, it made the show even worse. Not only cause it's pretty much a cop-out but also due to the fact it just wasn't done right... AGAIN. It could have been amazing if all the other episodes weren't utter crap and this last one doesn't make it any different. I'm curious if the blurry man was in all the episodes but tbh I can't be arsed to check.

ADDENDUM: Wauw, they actually used his likening and voice huh? Which they even couldn't get right. It's a bit disgusting to liken this to the genius of the original. Serling's "spirit" wasn't in every frame of this show, it didn't have his mark, he wasn't present "blurry in the background"... The only presence he had in this version of the show was in name only, the rest was just a distorted uncanny valley version of the real deal. Show's so meta it shows how arrogant the creators of this version are. For shame!

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