Shout by Just Another Movie Nerd

Chernobyl 2019

Contrary to what I'm sure the green muppets will claim this is not a movie about nuclear power and dangers with it. Instead it's a really good movie showing the dangers with socialism. Party elitism, political appointments of useless people to positions they they should never have been considered for and incompetence running rampant.

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@pjonsson I think it was fairly evident right from the start that the show doesn't want to give just that message, and it's really concerned with a more complex vision that wouldn't just apply to that specific incident in history, but to the human spirit, ingenuity, strength and frailty, all over the world.
Maybe you'd like to watch the show (not a movie) before claiming to have a more informed opinion. ;)

@emmemaiuscola Maybe you should not make assumptions on what I have and have not watched. I have watched it, except the last episode. I just cannot be bothered to track everything I watch. So far I stand by my statement.

I agree with the OP. this series shows what happens when socialism is faithfully implemented. It becomes communism mixed with a dash of denial.
