Review by Jerry Howell

Solo: A Star Wars Story 2018

One of the problems with prequels is that, if you've seen the films that take place afterwards, you know who lives and who doesn't. That's what took all the drama out of the battle scenes in Attack of the Clones and Obi-Wan's battle with General Grievous in Revenge of the Sith. Those who watch the flicks for the first time in chronological order may feel differently, but, for those like me who grew up watching the original trilogy on VHS back in the day, there's no surprise there.

Also, after The Last Jedi, I lost faith in Disney's take on "a galaxy far, far away". If you've seen my other reviews, you know that I've watched a lot of shows and movies from the House of Mouse: Lizzie McGuire, Queen of Katwe, Incredibles 2...and plenty more! Since high school, I've been known as "the Disney guy," which is why I had faith that they'd do Star Wars justice...and that made the travesty that was Episode VIII all the more heartbreaking.

So, how was Solo? To be honest, Han Solo has never been among my favorite characters from the franchise; I was a much bigger fan of the Jedi: Luke, Yoda, Obi-Wan, etc. Still, I felt that I had to watch it...and, although it had its moments, it didn't really feel like Star Wars. Between the annoying feminist droid, the excessive profanity--seriously, even the novels don't have that much language!--the appearance of Darth Maul--wasn't he cut in half?--and occasional crude allusions, this only furthers my opinion that Disney has ruined the franchise. Instead of more of this dreck, Lucasfilm needs to reboot the series and bring the Thrawn trilogy to the big screen. Now, there's good space opera!

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