Why are Jon and Sam seemingly the only people who actually value mercy? It seems like everyone in this show is blinded by their emotions, but at least their emotions tend towards kindness and not anger or pride or righteousness. Sam is honestly my favourite character at this point, he seems to be the only person who actually understands people - apart from Margaery and Olenna, I suppose, but they just use that to manipulate them. Sam wants to help.
Almost everyone else has suffered because they didn't properly think about the consequences of their actions, and certainly every major death so far (except Ygritte, maybe) has been a direct consequence of people underestimating or plain disregarding the emotions of those they considered their (social, moral, intellectual, physical) lessers.

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OPReply by Cluisanna

In hindsight, it’s pretty funny I claimed Jon “I hung a 10-year-old” Snow valued mercy… but still more than others, I guess…
