This episode did at the very least properly convey one thing — the "duration to arrival" for the Bradbury Heavy mission was just over 230 days and we were made to endure every painfully boring minute of that.

Easter eggs this episode include:

Bradbury Heavy — a tribute to the highly acclaimed science fiction writer and author of The Martian Chronicles, Ray Bradbury.

Whipple Aeronautics — a reference to Wallace V. Whipple from the TOS episode The Brain Center at Whipple's.

T.I.N.A. — that's Talky Tina of course from Living Doll. "My name is Talky Tina...and you'd better be nice to me!"

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@broknsymetry I'd like to add to the list of Easter eggs: During the journey to Mars, one crewman, Jerry Pierson, goes crazy and starts rambling that they are being watched. I believe this is a callback to the pilot episode of the original 1959 series "Where is Everybody". In that episode the lone astronaut is actually in an isolation booth being observed by a group of uniformed servicemen. He has been undergoing tests to determine his fitness as an astronaut and whether he can handle a prolonged trip to the Moon alone.

Also, later in the episode when the astronauts are talking, one has a small scale model of the same passenger airliner in "Nightmare at 30,000 feet" which has the same airline name (Northern Goldstar?) as the original 1959 series, "Nightmare at 20,000 feet"
