game of thrones season 8 episode 3 review: what a great episode for the new game of thrones. new game of thrones you ask? by that i mean that this is absolutely not the same show it was before the books were done being covered. Barely anyone died in this episode, i didnt cry over a death once and i cry at most things. I gotta say Jorah Mormont and Theon were the important good guy deaths and they matter but this is supposed to be the finale, the battle we've been waiting for. all the characters had crazy plot armor and were always last minute saved and people like jaime and brienne being literally squashed between a wall of rock and a wall of dead. how the hell are they still alive i dont understand. this never wouldve happened in the early season. the tactics were also pretty nonsensical. why did the dothraki (who had least killing power) charge first. to give the enemy more troops? why did noone shoot at the dead when they were all nicely lined up. why did they keep retrating but then un-retreating. so much confusion (although i realise the last example might be the correct way to do things but i definatley didnt understand why that would be.) This is a bit of an anti-climactic conclusion tot he wight arc, I was expecting the night king to win and then to be beat next time. I thought bran was a gonner. However on the other hand god fucking damn what a good episode. it was so well made and the tension was insanely high. even when i conciously thought "theyre delaying the events to build tension this is so slow" they still got me. i cried in relief when arya took out the night king. i genuinely believed at points that dany or jon were fucking dead. this episode was one hell of a ride. although i wouldnt put this into the same category as i would earlier game of thrones, i still got got by the fact that i love all these characters and production was amazing

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