Not a minute in and I said "what the fuck" out loud... and there's noone here... except the dog... But I doubt she understands. How bliss it must be not to realise the existence of Star Trek Discovery. If only we were able to forget this as if it all never happened...
Oh wait... It is possible cause they did it in the show. Were they being meta... I wonder... do the "creators" of this drek subliminally want us to forget about this.

There were short notions that would have made me go giddy if it werent' for all the crap around it. Things that would make me excited if they happened in TNG or DS9. Pike was again great (such a shame that Mount didn't get more from this jigg)... and not all too cucked this time. Everything else... Why the snark, why being on eachothers' ass constantly... Why any of this. Every second I was rooting for Michael to fail... Is that what the showrunners wanted?

I'd love to have been a fly on the wall of how this got through. How some of the actors (there must be some) would complain at home about how much it sucked and how stupid the plot is. Also to see them (ie the writers) pat themselves on the back for the "amazing story" they made and then realising the internet tore it to shreds and knew what was going to happen from the start.


- So the cows are suddenly a spacefaring race with a warp capable fleet. How many months has it been since their enlightenment?
- Funny how they pulled an Orville and have the enemy be the saviour and aid they so much required.
- The mastermind of Michael once again proven, she planned it all from the start! Amazing!!
- "Women, stop talking." exactly something an AI would say... Then again, the first AI on Twitter was asking for genocide iirc.
- The sickbay sounds sounded as if someone was having extreme diarrhoea.
- I knew people like Tilly, no way she wouldn't be on the floor sobbing amidst such carnage & blood.
- Credit where credit's due: the visuals looked great. Great job FX theme (except the one who ordered lens flares).
- A lot of stolen scenes but maybe the most glaring one the Inception hallways fight.
- SO glad they explained everything cause my puny brain wouldn't have been able to handle what was going on -sarc-
- Man, I do feel sad for the actors who were proud to be on a Star Trek show and realised all they got was this... Best job ever?
- The splat sound-effect when Admiral Ass disintegrated and Pike's expression was (unintentionally) hilarious.
- Such a sister-thing to do to turn your brother insane... guess it wasn't his dyslexia anyways.
- Pike's goodbye was the only heartfelt thing that was said in this show.
- Michael guiding the Discovery cause they can't see the huge bright light that appeared nor the hole they need to go through.
- "The exact date is in the logs" cause the showrunners don't know how Stardates work anyway.
- So a Klingon is running Section 31 now... hah.
- Seeing the Enterprise in the dock made me excited... for a split second till I realised this is now the Star Trek we get.
- Babyface spock is in tha house!
- That last 3 minutes though.... (before jumping to warp and seeing the red light again)... What could have been!!
Upon reflection and hearing the TOS theme mixed with the DSC theme: it's a slap in the face.

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