The Twilight Zone (2019) – 01×01
New Series, my musings. – Very quick reviews.
A worthy update

Whilst having a flick through Morpheus tv app, (good app). I discovered eps 1 & 2 had been released, quickly downloaded them. Twilight Zone has always equalled a quality show to my mind, this series, so far, has upheld the tradition.

Rotton Tomatoes – IMDB

The Comedian starts off with a rather unfunny comedian, down on his luck, relationship issues when he comes across legendary comedian “J.C. Wheeler” upon a stool at a small little comedy club. Thus begins his journey into the twilight zone.

Without going into the story, the style and visuals are pleasing, soft orange lights, (I do miss the smoke of a nightclub) and the story builds nicely as the journey into the twilight zone begins. I was surprised that this episode was an hour long. Not sure 1 hr episodes suit the twilight zone, but for this episode yes it did.

As the Comedian realised his power he first makes jokes on random people he finds on social media, bad people, but it always came back to being personal and the people in his life. A small portion of the show dealt with altered reality / the Comedians awareness of where he was. Nice. (Especially in this day and age of spiritual & science questioning of reality.)

And that is what the Twilight Zone has always been about.

The Comedian, (and I cannot find his character name or actor name on line?) Didn’t deserve his fate, and that is one of the beauties of Rod Serlings twilight zone. It’s a cruel place.

I did think the tale was going to go another way and was pleased to be wrong.

Opening credits, Mmm, too fast, slow it all down, we don’t need a ton of CGI graphics chucked in our face. (Think a fade shot of Rod would be worthy)

Opening Theme: Yeah fine.

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