Getting things back on track after some iffy storytelling in previous episodes.

  • The set design on this show continues to be superb. Boreth in particular looked absolutely fantastic.
  • Pike's encounter with the time crystal was chilling as he encounters the future we know he's destined for. Full credit to Anson Mount for absolutely delivering on the character and making him the most enjoyable part of the show.
  • Massive allusions to the Orbs/Tears of the Prophets from Deep Space Nine with the time crystals.
  • Looks like the theory that Voq and L'Rells son is the Albino Klingon from DS9 goes out the window here. Kenneth Mitchell portrays his third Klingon character in the show so far and he's really doing a good job. Tenavik looked great and appeared to be able to speak clearly! Better teeth props?
  • The Control nanites pursuing Burnham were creepy. I liked that.
  • Jett Reno is back! I wish the show was utilising her more. Great to get a scene with the more background crew just sitting around eating and chatting.
  • Strong ending that has got me hyped now that we are down to the final couple of episodes. I don't believe for a second that Discovery will actually self-destruct, but that's beside the point.
  • There was a moment with the computer speaking that sounded uncannily like Majel Barrett.
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