Shout by Michael

Us 2019

Am I the only one that thinks this movie f'ing sucks balls. Didn't like this at all

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@michaelmolina7 you're not alone.

@michaelmolina7 Overhyped movie... Not that good at all! I was bored.

@michaelmolina7 If this was an M Night movie...boy would it have been shat on lol

@michaelmolina7 nope, WTF was that?! Horrible and made no sense.

@michaelmolina7 Let's put it this way. The premise of the film is decent. The execution was poor. The film could've been done in half the time, and there quite a few plotholes. The most blatant thing is how do the kids have these shadow creatures if they're part shadow?

@michaelmolina7 I do find it annoying. That Rotten Tomatoes has US and Get Out. Ranked as the top 2 best Horror movies.
With that said I do like both. I don’t get how anyone would find US boring. It is creepy and occasionally fun.

@sopherian Not sure how a movie with a fight scene to “fuck the police” is bad lol. The movie is creepy and fun.

Same here... Too much suspense, and not worth it at all

@michaelmolina7 yeap! the movie was fantastic! if you didn't like "Get Out" then you want like this. What appeared to be a simple home invasion turn out to be something way bigger.
