Review by Marz Star Tesla

American Horror Story 2011

#Five hotel remains my instant fave probably because of the music (great choices! i’m a fan of the sound design in general like the swing kids spooky electric intro but the post punk and Nuwave With a dash of old Timey glamour Rama,) and the location and the variety of flavorful characters, . . . of course their twist on the sex n blood & rocknroll. almost slightly reminiscent of The Hunger in ways, But again that could just because these are words coming from my brain with the associations that come with the things I am into) (I’m not sure giggle*notsure In fact if I have consciously made that connection perhaps because I’ve watched it many times and I have many thoughts and a shitty memory) (&I don’t think saying any of that requires a spoiler alert. intentionally avoiding certain words… As if anyone reading this doesn’t already know) I live in Los Angeles right by Hollywood Forever Cemetery and I love that they go there in the beginning… My least favorite I was surprised to find out was that election one I thought it was going to be to the top of the list but no not even close.
most of the seasons although I am a big fan of the show and the creators did in fact grow on me on sequential viewings. As in When I re-watched a season I ended up liking it more which is a pretty good sign of quality I say.

wow I almost totally spaced out on the most recent season… I need to rewatch that one I really liked it. It’s very impressive the way the creators reuse actors as different characters yet still have a thread that connects everything. i’m also very annoying to watch stuff with because it’s hard to control myself and I usually called out what’s going to happen but at least some parts definitely surprised me even if I was able to predict a lot there was enough surprise elements and great storytelling of a nonlinear sort that I enjoy and I thing is something that many films and television shows have that makes them watchable again and again and again…

PS this is my first time writing anything on tract hello world!

** «BALENCIAGA!» ** <

*on an other note… Being new to this place/service… I’m glad to have found it for I’ve been part of for many many many moons, pretty much since the beginning although I don’t sit and listen to music in the way that I used you so my library is not necessarily updating anymore but neither are my tastes… However I’ve been wondering what my profile would look like if A tracker of all of the stuff that I watch obsessively & constantly for years and years and years… I’ve spent years did I mention years solid of spending the majority of my waking and sleeping life with movies playing always… I think it be both impressive and perhaps slightly embarrassing Because when I say it’s a lot it is really really really really a lot. . . after some medical BS I’ve been out of work so there’s one reason/excuse but also I watch so much that I don’t even remember often that I’ve seen some thing… Though Anyway that’s convenient because at times even though there’s eleventyzillionquillianand growing pieces of content to indulge in, I still everyone snow while I am like WTF I’ve watched everything now what!!?? which is win brain damage comes in handy I suppose because I find something eventually and sometimes even though I’ve seen it before I remember nothing about it… OK I think I’m rambling too much in a foreign location not intended for such so I better wrap it up and ended… What am I gonna watch now ? Oh yeah now apocalypse which isn’t out but is out if you have starz. . . *

Anyone know if there is more American Horror Story seasons in the works?


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