Overall I liked this episode even with the issues it had. I don't think it had as many problems as some other viewers do. I had started to suspect some sort of AI involvement last episode when we saw Half Data girl glitch at the end. I hadn't put together that the seldom mentioned Control was that AI. I blame Person of Interest for my misconception.

Now that we know about Control it helps elevate some of the current issues with Section 31. Maybe they can use this as an excuse to re-hid them.

My main issue had to do with Half Data. I always hate when a show introduces a character that every seems to know and be friends with (that we've never seen before) just so they can kill them. What they did with Airiam was close. Like most of the bridge characters we had barely known her. For this to have the right impact, for Michael to be so torn, it needed to be setup long ago. If somehow it had been Tilly Michael's hesitation would have been more understandable because we known there's a relationship there. Half Data has been more like a piece of bridge equipment.

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