Another strong offering from Jonathon Frakes, however this one is not entirely without its flaws. It shines in the character interactions but seems to stumble over some of the plot points.

  • The whole Airiam story would have been far stronger if we had actually gotten to know her previously to this. I was delighted that we were finally given answers as to just what she is, so it seems an odd move to remove her now. I particularly liked the view of her memories just hanging out with Detmer and the other bridge crew. WE NEED MORE BRIDGE CREW. They are often more interesting than the main cast.
  • Speaking of Airiam, her end didn't make much sense; she's wearing an EVA suit! Why disable the helmet? Why not just get blown out into space and them beamed into Discovery's brig until they can sort out what's going on with her?
  • The Spock/Burnham stuff was electric here. Their discussion in her quarters was quite magnificent. His accusations towards her brought up things that viewers themselves have been voicing in the way her character works. It highlighted just how much work her character does need to fit in as a more natural crew member (the galaxy does seem to revolve around Michael Burnham), and I hope this is the beginning of it.
  • The Spock/Stamets scene was surprisingly compelling too. We see a gentler side of Spock, in contrast to the aggressive side he showed with Michael.
  • I noticed that Michael made no move to help Nhan, who was suffocating to death in the room with her.
  • Kadis-kot!
  • The evasive flight through the minefield didn't seem to be having any of the effects the crew seemed to think it was.
  • Major Star Trek VI vibes when they arrive on the Section 31 HQ.
  • Airam shutting down was straight out of Terminator 2. Great stuff!
  • "Hit it." Pike needs his own show.
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@lefthandedguitarist Interesting second point that would have made a lot of sense. Seems the logic thing to do. But I guess ultimately she had to be removed from the show so keeping her would have only prolonged it a little. I too enjoyed how Spock stood up against Burnham. She clearly doesn't like a taste of her own medicine.
And the last point, boy I couldn't agree more. At first I wasn't sure that bringing in the character of Pike was good or bad. Felt like throwing a bone to the old fans. But now I think he's become the best character in a very short time and I thought about how I would love to see him at the center of a show.

@lefthandedguitarist about your first point, we need a Ten Forward, these characters hardly mingle with one another. About your second point, it was what bothered me the most about this episode. Was the transporter offline?
I also enjoyed Spock and Burnham interaction in this episode a lot more than in the previous one. Hopefully, they'll get that right from now on. And I was yelling at the screen for Michael to go help the other helpless suffocating Discovery crew member instead of being just there staring at a door! Damn you, dumb writers!
Still, I enjoyed this episode. As another sci-fi show, not as a Star Trek one (though I'm starting to feel there's no need to keep saying that anymore, it's already implied).
Oh, yeah, and captain Pike is, undeniably, the best thing aboard the Discovery, so they better not have him killed or transferred or gone from the show!

@misnomer we know what his ultimate fate will be, the question is what happens to him up to that point.

@finfan I admit I'm a lousy trekkie, because I can't remember what happens to Pike. Truth be told, my memory has been pretty sucky in the last few years, I barely remember a thing from the first season of STD. Which is great whenever I want to rewatch a show or a movie:adult:

@misnomer so, amnesia does have some benefits LOL.

If you want to know abot Pike check "The Menagerie" from TOS. "The Cage" is good background, too. Chronologically "The Cage" comes before "The Menagerie" but was only released much later.

@finfan I'll go get the dust off the DVD collection, then (ironically, TOS is the only Star Trek series I've bought and own the discs, even though it's not one of my favourites). Cheers for the recommendation!

@finfan Aaaand I just read the news claiming that the actor who plays Captain Pike won't be returning for the third season... Sigh! They better bring back Lorca, by then!

@misnomer yap, I just read it myself. Figures, once I like something about DSC.... Had to happen because we knew Pike's fate.

But it's another blow as he really brought something to the table, both the character and the actor. I wonder who would want to replace him. So far the captains haven't lasted long on this show. DSC needs to become more of an ensemble show otherwise they should ultimately rename it Star Trek: Burnham.
