This storyline made even less sense than usual. This 'cyberpollen' is ridiculous in its own right - where do they get the metal for the cybermen? For a moment I thought it was some way of transmuting organic matter into metal suits, but clearly the corpses are still in there - so where does the armor come from? But even if we accept that they can somehow magically create matter in the shape they want, what difference does it make if they can do it to the dead? I mean, surely they can just do the same thing to the living, and convert every living being in the universe in the same way? Plus, even if you're not cremated, corpses decay. Sure, the dead outnumber the living, but the number of corpses intact enough to be put into a metal suit can't actually be that big. Hell, there's a reason plots on graveyards are re-used constantly.
Plus, how did the Nethersphere come to be in the first place? Did Missy really travel through all of Earth's history to upload all the people who ever died? Sure, she has a TARDIS and can travel anywhere in time, but if she wants to upload every dying mind, it doesn't matter whether she has a time machine or not - she needs to stay and let time pass either way. So are we to assume she spent the last 8000-50,000 years (since humans have had a concept of the afterlife) just sitting around, collecting the dead? Timelords do age, even if it's more slowly than humans.
And again there's the whole thing with Clara being an absolute mess. I mean, one second she's actually clever (if annoying), the next she thinks fully converting her boyfriend just because he's sad is somehow the right thing to do. I mean, what would she do if someone threatened a family annihilation because they were depressed? Hand them a gun? Yeah "bla bla love is a promise and he would never hurt her," but she didn't know that at the moment, did she? I was so sure she was going to die (or at least leave) this episode, and then I checked and realised she's on for another whole season. Hell.
Aaaanyway, Missy is actually quite good, even if I'm still sceptical about the whole "in love with the Doctor" thing - and the fact that she was gotten rid of way too easily. And the story rounded out in a nice way, even if it was at the same time too easy and strangely disjointed.

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