Shout by melkiades96
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-02-02T14:50:18Z— updated 2019-02-07T11:36:35Z

At one point I got bored. The scene where she falls off the stairs again and again, it seemed like sloppy writing to me. They could have come up with more creative and realistic ways that she could have died.

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@melkiades96 it was comedy, and a quite good concise comedy bit.

@waltandmartha if it was comedy, then it wasn't funny

@melkiades96 I know like you fall down the stairs die and remember, why would you then do it again and again. At some point sooner it should have kicked in don't use the stairs or at very least don't use them at that time. Repetition to the point of stupid is not comedy. At least change things up in how she falls down stairs. I still liked the episode, but i do agree with you on that point.

@bluartisteyes I know, right? She died in so stupid ways that I had to pause it and come write this comment.

@melkiades96 I don't know about you, but falling downstairs is absolutely a realistic way to die. People do that all the time. I've had several concussions from smacking my head on the wall at the bottom of a particular flight of stairs, my sibling broke their ankle falling down a spiral staircase... breaking your neck in such a situation is not at all unrealistic. As for being creative... that's kind of the point from where I'm sitting: there are so many mundane ways to die when you're just going about your day. That's real life, Melk! Luck has a lot more to do with basic survival than you'd think.

@trialia she should have figured out to not fall from them after falling down one hundred times.

@melkiades96 That just shows you don't realise that it has nothing to do with knowing you might fall. I knew every time that I might, and was careful, and my feet still went out from under me like it was their job.

Besides which, Nadia fell down twice, three times? Certainly not a hundred.
