It's quite clear they are backtracking on a lot of decisions made in season 1 but let's hope there's more to come in the future.
Introducing the uniforms and the bridge crew was a nice gesture as well as the mention of the ready room but this still doesn't feel quite like the Star Trek I love. There's too much action and happenstance going on to merely feed the plot, which is a far cry from the often scientific and ethical basis of old Star Trek.

Michael Burnham is still quite the unlikable character portraying not only the worse Vulcan ever but also one of the more arrogant and annoying humans there is (being "awesome" at everything doesn't mean you're not an asshole). Tilly is steadfast becoming equally annoying being chirpy and quip and funny in every other scene... The Felicity of the Federation. Saru remains to be, by far, the best character on the show as for now. Anson Mount is too new to give an opinion on but I did enjoy him telling Michael Burnham to shut up... up to the point where he was basically told he was being an ass...

I'll keep watching the show, hoping it'll get better but as is this is definately the least Star Trek of all Star Treks (not incl the recent movies). I hope they can find their footing and become as great as TOS, TNG, DS9 and VOY were (and hell, season 2 and 3 of ENT too!)
And I most definately hope they won't turn the Captain Picard show into a lensflare, SJW, actionpacked, one-liner, booyah motherfucker kinda monstrosity. In the meantime I'll watch the USS Orville on their 5-year mission and remind myself what real Star Trek feels like.

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I don’t know what series you’ve been watching, but ST has always been a SJW.
