Shout by Marc Friedolin

They seem to be contend in destroying Star Trek.

  1. A Starfleet Officer mentioning Music in which the Musician ritually kills herself in a positive tone? WTF?!?

  2. Also: moving at xxxkm/s.
    In reference to what?
    The discovery, the object itself?
    Absolute speed doesn't make sense in space.
    (But former ST-Shows made that mistake as well)

  3. The scene in the Turbolift was funny, which is actually a bad thing, because it had no relation to the story at all.
    It seems a bit like they heard, that ST-Fans liked the Orville better and took all the part despite of which the fans liked it better, leaving out the parts they actually do like better.

I can easily forgive 2 and 3.

1 is unforgivable. Please fire the person resposible for this piece of ugly information about a otherwise really nice character.
And stop confusing the federation with the Terran Empire. (As much as I like the Terran Empire...)

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@balazs955 It's not about the fact, that he suddenly likes it - it's about the fact, that his spuse (also an officer) tried to pursuade him to listen to something acompanied by ritual suicide in the first place.

A scene like that would be fine in a dark scifi-Show like Dark Matter or The Expanse, but not in Star Trek...
