[7.3/10] I definitely enjoyed this one. It’s nice for Tilly to get a spotlight episode, and the conflict could have filled a full length installment but still fit nicely into this fifteen-minute chunk. It’s funny, in some ways it feels like a corrective to the execrable “Elaan of Troyius” from The Original Series with a temperamental royal who’s bristling up against her resource-rich society’s expectation of her. Making it a female-led story about someone who is worried about what her people will become as they advance into the warp age rather than a retrograde taming of the shrew routine really improves that type of tale.

Tilly is as lovable as always, and her combination of self-doubt and creative competence is as winning as ever. That said, this episode wore its themes on its sleeve, and the dialogue was weak and on-the-nose at times. The idea that both Tilly and Po are “runaways” was nice but underlined a little too heavily, and all the “my planet is my twin” stuff was hit a little hard.

Still, this had a TNG throwback vibe to it, where the moral is a little heavy-handed, but the characters are enjoyable and the situation is unique enough to make it work. A nice little appetizer for the new season.

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