Shout by ven07

Ready Player One 2018

So I put off watching this movie for a bit. I remember that I wanted to watch it as soon as it came out, but my friends weren't that excited. Life and work happened so I just didn't watch it. After seeing it at home and alone, I can definitely tell you that I regret not watching it as soon as it came out.

The story was set up incredibly well and it actually builds up very nicely. It portrays the reality we're currently aiming for and what that reality could mean. Obviously there won't be an egg hunt at the end of which you'll become immortal, but there will always be those that want to control everything.

I can't say a lot without adding spoilers. This is definitely a movie you should watch if you're into dystopian stuff. Heck, it's a movie you should watch even if you're not and while you're at it, watch it a few more times

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