Shout by Nancy L Draper

The Favourite 2018

Superb acting by the three principals - Olivia Coleman, Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone. This is a decidedly unflattering account of Queen Anne's reign frivolously disregarding timelines (Queen Anne's husband was alive during much of this movie's fractured timeline) and embracing gossip (about Anne's lesbian predilection that is disavowed by most historians). The rise and fall of Sarah Churchill and Abigail Hills influence as favourites, although a reality, had other credible political motivations. Much of this movie paints a picture of an ineffectual culture of fops and frivolities in court life, whereas the politics and the principles of the time were a lot more serious and calculating, as was Queen Anne's legacy (the United Kingdom was birthed under Anne's reign). But, as a fanciful history, there is great humour and tragedy in this movie and the acting is truly superb. I give this film an 8 (great) out of 10. [Costume Comedic Drama]

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