Robert Redford in his kinda, maybe, could be last performance. Partnered with David Lowery and Casey Affleck they tell a very understated version of real life escape artist Forrest Tucker who actually did escape from 18 prisons. The movie mostly focuses on his later years and his penchant for polite bank robberies, and the cat and mouse game between Tucker and Detective John Hunt played by Casey Afffleck. Detective John Hunt isn’t portrayed as some great detective feeding on this case, desperate to catch the “Over The Hill Gang”, no Hunt is borderline indifferent to the case but his wife says you should catch him and Tucker keeps pointing him in the right direction, I guess begging to be caught. This isn’t Heat or even Catch Me If You Can, this is just Redford in All Is Lost Mode as an old man that is going to do what he loves until the end. There are some sweet character moments, especially when Sissy Spacek is involved as Tucker’s love interest Jewel and I like seeing the family life of John Hunt but beyond that we are just heading towards a foregone conclusion.

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