That is a weak episode by any definition but for a season finale that is low.

I remember everyone on the cast talking about how they never thought they would reach a second season and judging by that episode the producers must have felt the same. Not wanting to end on a real cliffhanger yet provide some kind of incentive for viewers to come back should there be one.

From the comment by user "dgw" I would think that strike was a factor but in any case it is badly written throughout with several logical errors. The survivors from the cryo-pod are painfully clichèd. They are, what was thought at the end of the 80s, how people would be like in the future. Yet they appear much more back in time then the 80s. I also don't like the light hearted music they played over a scene everytime something is supposed to be funny. Switching the storylines and making the destroyed outposts and the Rumalans more prominent could have given this episode more grip.

The only real positive for me is the appearance of Marc Alaimo.

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