How can a psychopath assassin for hire be a cute little shit. Well, you get Jodie Comer to play her. The intro where Oksana has to go into the Russian prison to kill her ex (who could blow her situation) is like watching a petulant reluctant scared child go back to school after a long break cause she hates everything about the place. It was amazing. Comer's performance in this and every episode of Killing Eve is a sight to see. Also, I love the contrast between cool in control chess master Villanelle and lovesick scared and vulnerable Oksana. Which one is the true self?

Shit. As much as I like Eve's husband, who very much babied her, I love the confrontation that has been building up between them since Eve started her investigation. As much as Nico loves her, Eve wants something he can't give her: danger, a challlenge and a understanding of herself. What Nico can give her is stability, comfort, protection (in the marriage sense) and all the mundane things that keep Eve back. What was really jarring is how much he aimed for Eve, "you get off on sniffing at a psycho", and Eve's reaction of slapping him (which clearly he was't expecting, but was a huge release for her; it released her from commitment and gave her an excuse to leave). Clearly Eve sees Villanelle as more important, cause he tries to sweep everything under after their outburst and she refuses, perferring to leave for Moscow, to leave for Villanelle or Oksana.

The last episode Villanelle insinuated that both she and Eve ultimately worked for the same people, and she might not have been off. Eve's contact in Moscow, an old friend of her new boss, is Konstantine. And seems like Konstantine seems like a very old close friends and an agent of the Russian government. Will this play in Eve's favor, or against her?

Meanwhile, Villanelle is following on her mission to kill Nadia. But as Villanelle gets closer, so does Eve. And Nadia gives Eve the final lead to Oksana's heart.... she gives her Anna. But shortly after Villanelle reaches Nadia, in a last ditch attempt to save her life, Nadia tells her that her trusted Konstantine is working with the British, working with Eve Polastri. But this information is not enough to save the pleading Nadia. Seems like the game has turned on Villanelle... Konstantine is playing both sides? Seems like it, especially after she tries to escape and is left in solitary. When we see Villanelle realize that she may stay in prison, in this hell on earth, it's the only time we truly see her panic, see her fear and see the desperation she holds back. We see her human. Fully. Not pretending. Not playing a game. But just being.

fav line: When is Eve is asked why she wants to get to Nadia and Oksana, "Because one of them is a little prick and she's keeping me up at night".

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