After the incident with the Witness, plus Eve's intellect and curiosity (she tracks murders and has come up with the theory of a female assassin being the culprit of these murders, even going as far as being impressed by her) has lead her to a secret investigation of the assassin and who she works for. It's Eve's dreamjob handed to her on a platter.... now what will be the price of this dream job?

Special shoutout to the Villanelle (assassin) wardrobe. Her clothes are great! She pushes for high fashion, expression and playing with aesthetics... but no matter what she looks amazing (whether everyday casual or party ready). Her pink dress with the black combat boots is ICONIC.

In her therapy session we learn to important things: Villanelle has an important history with someone names Anna, somebody that she is clearly emotionally connected to. And that her handler is he r only constant emotional connection. These two pieces feel like important part of the game that will be played against Villanelle.

With each new kill, we see how ruthless and smart Villanelle is. And it's so much fun to watch her. Her cleverness, to see her playful and in awe in the face of the death she deals.

I love Villanelle's excitment and pride in having an investigation set up just to find her... but what I love more is her shock when she learns that the pretty woman from the hospital who she had her speechless and brain malfunctioning and was very much into is the one leading the investigation. This is the kind of twist that throw our leads into chaos, that throw them off their game and that's when things get interesting, when they have to deal with being pushed, and Villanelle having the hots for the lead invetigator will force Villanelle many places, even places she never expected to go emotionally.... and I can't wait to watch it all unfold with the our two wonderful, talented and amazing leads.

Only two episodes in and this show has given us so much. It feels more like 4 episodes, and it's all due to the no filler attitude of the writing and that every shot has a purpose.

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