So, that TV show host's coworker manages to get a hold of Carly's confession video and, wisely, decides to keep her laptop offline until they show that video on air, in order to avoid it being flagged online and deleted remotely. Then, she gets an anonymous phone call telling her to check her e-mail and she promptly does so, on the same laptop. That's a good professional right there, folks! I thought the video would be gone, by then, but luckily, the show writers didn't notice this minor nuisance, so it just ended up being funny.

What's not funny is Jeff. Sweet Jesus, how can you legally hand over a child to a well known abusive alcoholic just like that? If there's a time Carly should have snapped, it was when they broke the news to her about this! But she went out of character and kept her cool... And then it took Jeff to actually get drunk and go on a car ride with his son for something decent to finally happen. I don't like Carly, but Jeff is obviously worse! What an asshole! Now there's a couple I wouldn't mind if they'd write them off the show.

I know I'm only bitchin', but I actually enjoyed this episode more than the season premiere. I think they're now more focused and better delineating this season's plot line. Also, the last few scenes had a Mission Impossible vibe, which was nice.

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