Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2018-11-15T22:18:42Z— updated 2018-11-17T22:43:05Z

I have watched this show so many times that I do look for other stuff going on now (watching it the first time in HD, too).

Did anyone notice Denis Crosby always grabbing her tricorder when she stood up and walked around? Seemed like the prob wasn't holding on to her uniform.

This is another episode that I am not looking forward to when I happen to watch the show again. A hyper-sexual society where everyone just seems to be making love all the time that has a death penalty for about every crime seems contradictory to me. The arguments against a death penalty felt unenthusiastic (personally I am opposed). And those godlike beings we don't see that speak in a booming voice (like probably some people think a god might) didn't really work well.

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@finfan Since Picard is out, I am watching for the first time TNG. I have a doubt. Bringing Rivan aboard the ship and showing her what she believes is God, was this a Prime Directive violation?

@andreas1138 My initial answer to that would be: no. The Prime Directive forbids the interference in the developemnet of other species. Since the Edo knew that the Enterprise crew are not from their planet and already believed in their god living in the sky I think Picard was within the bounderies. One could argue though that the risk in showing her could be that they abandon their believes or think of the Enterprise crew as gods, too. Which was what happened at first. Picard was quick to teach her otherwise, though.
It's always a bit tricky with the Prime Directive as it becomes mostly a story-telling tool. They respect or disrespect it like the story demands.

@finfan about the "always grabbing her tricorder",I guess since she's the security chief I think she puts her hand on her phaser for faster access

@qstar-inc Sounds like something a producer might say if you'd confront him with that fact. :wink: yeah, I guess that could work as an explanation.
