Review by Jordy
BlockedParent2018-11-14T13:22:59Z— updated 2022-08-02T21:00:16Z

What do you call a movie in which fantastic beasts have 15 minutes of screentime, and a character named Grindelwald commits 1 or 2 crimes? Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald? That’d be weird, right?

- JK’s imagination. Even when a movie messes up as much as this one does, it’s still one of the most charming and imaginative universes put to screen.
- Pretty well directed with great performances
- Newt (gets more development here) and Jacob
- Queenie’s storyline (if you pay close attention, I think it all adds up)
- The beasts, who are reduced to tools for Newt here, are a fun and creative addition
- The climax, Grindelwald’s speech and motivation
- Visuals, score and CGI (this was especially improved after the first film)
- Action scenes (opening scene and bookstairs chase)

- Incredibly incoherent (they really should’ve scrapped a lot of characters and their storylines, in my opinion: Leta, Nagini, the black wizard, and even Dumbledore, as they don’t contribute a lot to this particular story).
—> Also, a lot of scenes are pointless (like the underwater creature)
- Two characters are still incredibly annoying (in my opinion those are Credence and Tina), although I’m not sure it’s the writing or acting that makes me hate them so much
- The ending feels like bad fan fiction; good twists should have subtle hints, JK should know this above anyone else
- Too much exposition
- A few scenes are underlit, or too dark
- Some continuity errors (and no, I’m not just talking about the one that has already been reported everywhere)
- The CGI on those cat creatures wasn’t that great


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@jordyep Why can't we see the pointless scenes too? I loved that underwater beast, I love them all, it's so good to see beyond the story and this movie has to have beasts, even the pointless ones. It's the universe of Harry Potter we are getting to know, I believe the story won't end here, so there will be time where the development or the reason why will happen.


OPReply by Jordy
Blocked2018-12-05T21:09:32Z— updated 2022-08-02T21:00:48Z

@minjee_geek Maybe because the film is already incoherent enough as is? There's no need to introduce elements that have zero purpose to the story that they're telling in this film. Introduce them once they become necessary.

Potterheads don't care about that, at all. I want to know every beast, every magic, every space and every weird things that wizards and witches do, ahah. I'm a Potterhead since 11 and I live in that Harry Potter Universe for so long.. so it's natural we want to see more than the story.
