Rick has his first version of himself back in the hospital when everything first started. He manages to pull himself up, get on the horse and ride away. He manages get himself somewhere safe and try to cover his wound. He passes out and dreams of Shane. (FEELS!!!) Maggie arrives at Alexandria and Michonne tries to stop her but she ends up giving Maggie the keys. Negan taunts Maggie but then begs her to kill him but she realizes he's worse than dead and doesn't kill him. Rick passed out again and dreams of Hershel. (FEELS AGAIN!!!) Rick sees himself back at the hospital again. Rick finds himself in a crowd of people dead; everyone he's ever known. He talks with Sasha about everyone's death. (MORE FEELS!!!) Rick ends up back at the camp where some of those killed end up as walkers but where is everyone else?!?! He gets to the bridge and believing everyone has come to the rescue, he wakes up again, cross the bridge and destroys it to cut off the herd from getting across. The others were so close go try and get to him but he took the ultimate sacrifice to save everyone. Jadis, in contact with someone in a helicopter, asks to save Rick's life and the two of them are flown away. A suggested time jump shows an older Juidth saving a group of people wearing Rick's cowboy hat and Michonne's katana! This is the end of Rick Grimes on The Walking Dead TV series but the spinoff movies announced for him are damn well going to be amazing! I'm obviously upset that he's no longer gonna be part of the show but I'm excited for the remaining part of 9A and the rest of the season. The preview looks stellar!

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