something happens

something happens again

Honestly, the mind-numbingly repetitive soundtrack represents this movie perfectly. Because the whole thing felt like a dry, boring slog. At one point i felt like i'd been watching the movie for over two hours, only to check the progress and realise that i was only halfway through the movie.

The first Sicario had a much better storyline and Emily Blunt was a better lead because she was inexperienced and added some levity to the cast of stone cold military vets. Now all we get is Mr Grumpy and hispanic Mr Grumpy engaging in RIDICULOUS black ops missions where they shoot Mexican civilians in broad daylight in the middle of the goddamn street. This is coming from a series that built its reputation on being realistic. The US government would NEVER authorise any of this bullshit.

And i don't care about why or who they kill because the movie doesn't give you a primary objective to follow, so all the action set-pieces end up feeling random. It was very sloppy, and is another example of a forced sequel that shouldn't have happened.

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@adecool "Mr Grumpy and hispanic Mr Grumpy engaging in RIDICULOUS black ops missions" hilarious comment thanks, and thanks for reviewing because you helped me decide to skip this sequel (i didn't even finish watching the first)
