Review by JSalari

The Leftovers 2014

Put simply, one of the finest TV shows ever made, up there with The Wire and Breaking Bad. The Leftovers is far more than its mystery, it's about its characters and how they react to this new world and the changes brought before them. It's not about delving into ideas of why the event happened, it's about people that were already broken before it, and how disaster brought that into the light. I don't want to get too much into what makes the show great, because that would be spoiling it. You just need to know that if you want to go into The Leftovers hoping to have a Lost style mystery, in the hopes that everything will be revealed in time, then you should probably alter your expectations or watch Lost again. This is about the people, and that's what makes it truly great.

The Leftovers will make you laugh, it will make you cry (oh boy, will it make you cry) and it will make you happy that someone even attempted to make a show so bold, ambitious and complete, that you will never forget. It was criminally underwatched when it was airing, but now you can watch the whole thing. Do yourself a favour and watch every minute of this masterpiece.

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@jsalari Just wanted to chip in to say although I do agree with you, Lost definitely did NOT reveal everything in time by any stretch. This show reminds me more of Lost then any other I've seen, but evolved and created with more freedom.
