This episode was incredibly boring. I love Lennie James but this feels like the Morgan show...watching him trek slowly back to Alexandria. His trip to Texas only took like 10-15 minutes of one episode.

I’m not sure why the show has turned so boring or why the show has squandered such great actors’ abilities. They don’t show much of the range that they could. Morgan is naive for someone whose been through hell and seen the worst of people.

I still think the writers should make his character more suspicious so he’s like his character from that show Jericho he was on. Have Morgan be a spy or something while he goes on about helping people.

I really miss Madison, even more so than Nick. She added extra interest & layers. I had hoped Daniel Salazar would pop up again to bring the show back from the dead but that’s not happening.

Alicia/Alycia has great acting depth and aside from one episode this season she’s barely in the show and barely does much. Not the actress’s fault of course. Same can be said for Strand/Colman. He’s very Shakespearean with a huge range but the show keeps him simple. Just selfish or self destructive. His character in the first couple seasons was amazing and layered.

Lucianna I feel is just there. The show hasn’t looked into her character much. We know where she stood when she met Nick but that was barely touched on and we don’t know much about her as a person. Plus, where is she? And what happened to her when she left last season?

Where’s Dorie?
Now there are new characters that I personally don’t like that much. Al? Meh. June...don’t like that much. Trucker people...nope, kind of annoying. Beer man? Somewhat amusing but feels borderline gimmicky.

This episode again felt very preachy. June’s line ‘until someone showed me it can be different’ just felt very condescending to me. (Maybe I’m alone in this?). I’m sure people have all wondered or tried to do things better. It’s not that simple.

Yes there was one interesting thing that happened at the end but it’s not that interesting for me to keep watching.

I wanted the universe to show some hope but now I feel like the creators & writers for both shows have zero idea of how to do that well.

I’m tired of waiting for these shows to get better. Tired of few episodes with characters I like. Tired of good characters being killed off. Tired of seeing good actors get stuck with simple and uninteresting writing.

I’ve been fast forwarding through episodes as a last ditch effort but I’m not wasting my time anymore.

Also, with some of the things said and how this half of the season is going I feel like FTWD is going to end and the characters will be pushed over to TWD. Just a theory.

So I’ve officially given up on the Walking Dead universe now.

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