Warp 3? I thought this vaccine was urgently needed at Styris IV, why so slow?

Still an early episode, and suffers from all the usual bits and bobs. Characters aren't well defined yet, some interactions seem out of place vs. the people we come to know later. The premise feels a bit hokey to me, but I'm not sure if that's because it's still early-season or if it's just this era of television. It's been quite a while since I watched TNG, after all.

I realized tonight that a lot of the episodes in this first season evoke a feeling of "Oh, this one…" like it's going to be something of a slog getting through. Not uncommon for me to feel early in any Star Trek series, I suppose.

Here in particular, I thought a lot more could have been done to show how Picard figured out what was going on. He obviously knew Lutan's intent with regard to Yareena, and prepared his staff for it (off camera so the viewers would be surprised—kind of a cheap trick). But a big part of the thrill in stories like this (for me) is following the investigation, the research—how the problem is solved, rather than the solution itself. In this case, even discovering what the problem was would have been an interesting journey that got skipped.

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