Review by FinFan

Spider-Man 1967


Review by FinFan
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-07-09T13:27:16Z— updated 2018-07-22T20:57:21Z

I try to be fair but seen with the rational mind of an adult this show is barely "meh".
The voice acting is absolutely overdone. Most of the villains are silly. Sound effects seem to come straight out of The Flintstones. Music between Pink Panther and Scooby Doo with a portion Peanuts.
Spider Man sounds like Adam West´s Batman, both in word as well as pronounciation and acts really dumb at times. "Oh, my spider sense is tickling" while someone stands right behind him.
Jamesson is completly possessed by Spider Man. Everything is Spider Mans fault, Spider Man is responsible - he sounds like a whiny child most of the time. That was my impression of the first season.
The Second season started with a great episode "The Origin of Spider Man" but that was a lone exception. In general 20 min episodes are just too long. They had too little content and oftentimes contain minutes of Spidey swinging around to some groovy soundtrack. It became increasingly more ridicolous, it felt like the writers were smoking weed. Elfes, demons, monsters or some kind of wild tribe, alltogether more sci-fi elements - it just doesn't fly.
Season 3 seems to be recycling old material with new dialogue.
For the intented audience that was probably under 10 I am sure none of this mattered. Unfortunately I don't have the fond memories of watching this as a child. I skipped some of the second season and the third just played with me paying no attention.
So I have to stick with "meh", sorry.

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Jamesson is completly possessed by Spider Man

To be honest: Everytime Jamesson is shown he is obsessed with exposing Spiderman. In every movie I have seen so far it was like this. Maybe the template is at fault?

@appoxo99 Yes, he's like that. But there are different ways to portray that and here it was annoying. Like I said, it's a kids show and I'm looking at it through the eyes of a 50 year old. I like many of the animated superheroes shows, in may cases more so than the live-action movies. This one just didn't connect.

@finfan Yeah i've watched a few episodes of this show and it's pretty mediocre. Whereas i had just got done finishing Spider-Man: The Animated Series from the 90s and wow, it's like night and day. It's better in every area. The animation is more fluid, the storytelling and characterization are much better and it's more mature and logically consistent. I'd check that out if you like the character.

@warden1 I already have it on my watchlist but thanks for the tip anyway.
