The screenplay for this movie is an obviously over-sensationalized version of the memoirs it is based on. To that end, the movie is slow starting with Sidney Young being introduced as a self-thought cutting edge, non-mainstream journalist. He comes off as a kind of bumbling idiot, though on a much smaller scale as say Steve Martin's Clouseau. There is much physical comedy with kicks to the shins and falls and a transvestite bit. Sidney is given about 25 strikes by the owner of the most popular magazine in America for some unknown reason. Then the movie takes a 5 minute let's get an Academy Award nomination break when Sydney's father shows up and lays it on pretty thick and heavy. Then back to the shenanigans. I just didn't think this flowed very well and Jeff Bridges smokes cigarettes in the most ridiculous manner. One note of interest is the soundtrack. Very well done with a beautiful version of "Spooky" by Dusty Springfield.

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you really should've put a spoiler alert. glad I didn't read your comment until after the movie.
