By the same writer as the first, which I think saved the movie in the end. Don't watch expecting an exact continuation of characters from the first movie.

Benecio del Toro did an incredible job carrying the movie along, offering a ton of acting with almost no dialogue. Isabela also did a superb bringing lots of character.

the movie had a lull after Matt's team was ordered to clean up Alejandro, but was quickly saved by some more intense...not even action, but tension. Alejandro meeting the deaf local, was a very touching and surprisingly emotional scene, and it made me respect his character ten fold.

I absolutely loved how this film utilized silence, long pauses, intense stares and no dialogue almost more than it's predecessor. Overall, it captivated my attention (hard to do) completely, and had me quiet throughout the entire movie.

I would totally recommend it, if you are able to translate the use of dialogue, but also the lack of dialogue as movie story.

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