Review by Aniela Krajewska

The Handmaid's Tale: Season 2

2x11 Holly

"I tell, therefore you are."

Welcome to the world, baby Holly. What a shame you had to be born in this shithole called Gilead. I do have to say, I love the fact that the baby is a girl, just like June predicted. It's a subtle fuck you to Waterford who obviously wanted a son. Holly came out of the womb already trolling that asshole - she's definitely her mother's daughter.

It was a genius idea to create a montage of three drastically different labor scenes: June with Hannah, surrounded by family, giving birth in an environment filled with love; Janine with Charlotte, supported by friends, but stuck in a creepy ritualistic scenario created by Gilead; and finally June with Holly, facing this ordeal on her own in the most primal and instinctive way. It was incredibly powerful and I couldn't stop myself from shedding a tear or two.

Fuck, Serena, if all you ever wanted was a baby, then you could have hired a goddamn surrogate like a sane person. You definitely didn't need to start a religious cult that would overthrow the government and turn your country into a nightmare. What the actual fuck? You didn't just want a baby. You wanted power. You wanted everyone to adhere to your insane beliefs, even if it meant becoming little more than your husband's property and allowing him to rape a woman on a monthly basis. Damn, at least have the guts to own up to it.

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