Shout by Lee Brown Barrow Movie Buff

Hereditary 2018

Consider my mind blown! Did I understand the movie? Not always. Was I scared by the movie? Not really, though it did get under my skin. Will I remember this film in months to come? Yes, and you can't say that by all the other cookie cutter horror movies out there. Did I like the movie? Yes, quite definitely, not only for the weird ass story, but for the acting, the camera work, and the deliberately slow pace. I understand how this movie has split people down the middle - as I came out of the film, one woman said "well, that was sh**" - and it clearly isn't for everybody, especially those who favour jump scares and gore over something a little (or a lot) more intelligent. This is a film for those who don't want to be patronised, for those who want to debate a film's merits and plotting, and is for those who want their minds to be stretched, rather than pampered to by lazy directors. Recommended.

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