There aren't many reviews out there for this movie/series and especially not one that aren't biased to one way or the other on the political spectrum. It's difficult to make one without appearing to be either one side but still I think it must be done.

Granted, even though this doc does seem to lean a bit more to the right side of things I think this is a must-see for everyone. There are plenty of episodes and topics that raised my eyebrows and gave a bit more insight into things I learned, or didn't learn, in school. Ignoring the propaganda-like music and certain concepts that are being offered it shows the other side of the medal and makes you realize that history is indeed written by the victors and that there are most likely many things that cannot see the light of day. And never will. A lot touches on conspiracy theories but things generally do when dealing with "alternative" information... I remember a time when there "weren't abombs in Kleine Brogel" or "Echelon doesn't exist"... By now we know better.

Mankind and it's history is messy and of all wars ever waged World War II seems the cleanest... Clear-cut. Good guys vs the bad guys. All sides in this war have done (and still do) vile things in the name of justice or whatever twisted moral reasoning.
If I have learned anything from life is that it's never this black and white. And it clearly isn't black and white in regards to everything surrounding World War 2.

Watch this with any other documentary, research all possible sides and try to make sense of the destroyed and distorted puzzle that is "the truth".

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