I would get it if many frustrated criticisms at the finale, and during this season, happen more during the one-whole-mystery-box thing of season 1, rather than the more standalones-heavy, world-expanding season 2. Not that I don't get why people would be irritated at this season, since the timeline obfuscation, apart from those dealing with Bernard's scrambled mindset, doesn't feel purposeful like season 1 that much and just gets so tired at this point (and even in that season it wore thin towards the end).

But after being slightly underwhelmed by season 1's finale, I am gratified by how this one can almost serve as a series finale of sort, and also encapsulates the season quite well. Messy, but several heartfelt conclusions and a few satisfying resolutions (kind of great in a meta-way how a delicious villain like Hale can get her comeuppance and then we still have Tessa Thompson onboard). Season 1 may be more immaculately crafted as a whole, but I just like this season having (sometimes shoddily connected) short-story-ish narratives and heart more.

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