[7.2/10] This was more of a "point and laugh" episode than an "let's educate you on something" episode, which isn't a bad thing necessarily. The problem is, as I've mentioned in other little write-ups, that plenty of other political comedians do the same schtick, even if they don't do as well, so it doesn't feel like LWT is distinguishing itself as much as it ought to.

The opening round-up about Trump's turn-around on child separation was well done, and Norway's prophylactic ads were very amusing. The interstitial segments about local news stations doing alarmist stories on teens, and about Hoda and Kathy Lee saying things in unison were both amusing.

The main story, about Mexico's election, was a bit of a non-starer. Rather than really teaching the audience much about the country's political situation or the upcoming election, it was basically a drive-through segment to let Oliver & Co. poke fun at various candidates eccentricities. Many of those eccentricities are, admittedly, hilarious, but none really rose above comic rubbernecking and felt like they had a larger point or real info it impart. But I'll cop to the fact that I got a kick out of Bobby Moynihan's self-loving Santa Claus, so what can you do?

Overall, plenty of laughs in this one, I just expect a little more from John Oliver and his team.

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