Shout by Heimdall

Ready Player One 2018

Being an old fart I got most of if not all the references made in the book.
Almost none of them made it into the film, in fact the film can at best be described as derived from or inspired by the book.
I don't really remember Halliday as being portrayed as a retarded person in the book which he is in this film, I believe you can actually be fairly competent with computers without lacking basic social skills.
And the whole dynamic between Watts and Cooke is weird as hell when you realize that a girl who's actually model grade material is supposed to be average looking deformed by a horrible birthmark.
How shallow do you have to be for that to make sense?
The book version of the Oasis is not a game, it is much more than that.
I can't believe Cline signed his name on this script, on its own I guess it's fairly entertaining all though somewhat juvenile but as a book adaptation it's absolutely horrible.

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