[7.8/10] The b-stories in this one aren’t much to write home about, but the main story is great. Michael fancying himself a lawyer, having a one night stand with a seemingly blind woman and letting his guilt prevent him from either (a.) letting things end with her or (b.) reading the plea bargain he agreed to read is a great setup. The gags with Barry’s incompetence, Michael’s myopic efforts not to admit to himself that he’s kind of terrible, and the (mostly physical comedy) of Maggie’s supposed sightlessness are all great.

George trying to put off his plea because he thinks the Jane Lynch character has inside info is fine, I suppose. It’s more the interactions between George Sr. and Lucille that drive the comedy in this storyline (Jessica Walter’s line-read on “great redwood of a whore” is great), but there’s some decent jokes, like the blooper reel bit.

The same goes for George Michael discovering Maeby’s scam of pretending to be a sick twin. While Tobias & Lindsey’s awkward attempts to ask George Michael to tutor his cousin are amusing, as are the jokes about the Funke clan being bad at math, the actual reveal doesn't have much juice.

That just leaves GOB, whose comic chemistry with Amy Poehler is outstanding, as you’d expect. Just the two of them jawing about Poehler’s seal-sales, or the interplay between GOB and the narrator about whether GOB had consumated the marriage from his “dare off” are great.

Overall, this is a superb episode, with the Michael/Maggie stuff making it a cut above, and the GOB/Amy Poehler stuff making for a nice supporting story, but the other bits in the episode aren’t as good.

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