[7.6/10] It’s hard not to watch these episodes without just remarking on the classic, if ridiculous gags, like “this is the last time you’ll be seeing these!” But this is a really solid episode totally apart from those classic bits, with the Spring Break theme. Michael trying to fire Kitty, rehire her, fire her again, and then have GOB accidentally blow her up is an amusing throughline, with some plot relevance given how George Sr. and GOB have been blabbing to her (though George Sr. about serious stuff, and GOB about his personal life.)

I also enjoyed the cat and mouse game between Lucille and Lindsey & Maeby about Nana and her precious birthday money. It’s Lucille at her most comically conniving (including using poor Anyong as a purse), and it’s hilarious.

I’m not as big a fan of Tobias becoming a prison kingpin using his therapy technique, and the “Friend of Dorothy” bit is a little strained, but there’s still some laughs in the interactions between gentle, naive Tobias and his caustic father-in-law.

And of course there’s GOB, who both wants his brother’s approval, tries to do right by his nephew and, you know, blows up a yacht while dancing to “The FInal Countdown” during a magic show on an MTV knockoff...like you do. It’s gloriously ludicrous and fun.

Overall, a great episode. Spring breeeeeeeak!

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