[8.0/10] Oh man, I forgot that the show gets this meta this early. Having Jesse as the conduit for the show to riff about how the characters can be unlikable (presumably channeling network notes) and turning the whole thing into a comedy routine is just brilliant.

I particularly enjoy the main story, with Michael dating Jesse, feeling awkward but confident in his flirtations, and then totally turning on her when he initially thinks that it’s making his son uncomfortable and then realizes that she hurt George Michael. Again, in these early seasons, they keep things a little more down-to-earth, and it’s admirable how quickly Michael revolts against her once he realizes she made his son feel bad. (And Ron Howard reacting to the “Opie” comment as the narrator was a great little gag.)

I also really liked the Milford-related jokes. GOB inadvertently absconding with the founder of the school is a hilarious twist, and I laughed every time at Buster hiding behind something and blending in with his surroundings. You can, in fact, always tell a Milford man.

Last but not least, the humor between Tobias and a self-deprecating, thrift-minded version of Carl Weathers was a comic treat as well. Tobias’s naivete and Carl Weathers’s cheapness make for an amusing combination. And Lindsay promoting vodka at a particular restaurant and Lucille trying not to seem cold (after an amusing squabble between the two of them at a family-style restaurant) is a good bit as well.

Overall, plenty of laughs in this one, in an episode that cements both the external criticisms of Arrested Development and also, ironically, what makes the show great.

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