[7.3/10] This is a Michael-Lucille episode, which is one of my favorite pairings. Having Michael actually warm to his mom a bit, and then have her mislead him into thinking he caused a car accident and continue to give him head trauma to avoid a third strike on her license is a bit broad, but their interactions are still a lot of fun. Plus, GOB wanting to bail on the yacht, but coming back just to expose Lucille’s fraud is amusing, and everyone instinctively reassuring Lucille after he manipulative “I guess I’m a horrible mother” statement is a hilarious ending.

I’m less enamored with Lindsay’s story of trying to boost her self-esteem with catcalls at prison, while not realizing that George Sr. paid the guys not to do it. Again, it’s a little broad without the character-to-character chemistry to pull it off.

George Michael and Maeby trying to sneak into Les Cousins Dangeroux is a very amusing setup, and I continue to be charmed by Buster and Lucille 2’s unorthodox but sweet romance, which includes Buster diving through a plate glass window.

Overall, not a classic, but a quality main story that carries the day and shows off one of the show’s funniest pairings.

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